Other stages: Go to the debug menu and select the choice above the test stage. In these window you will see all the test stages the game has. Lets start with the test stages: Select the TEST STAGE choice and a new window will appear. Useful Information As soon as you open the debug menu you will notice that there are six choices. If it doesnt apear: Be sure that you are not using metalslug super vehicle 001 (It hasnt got debug menu) Reload your rom If nothing of these helps reset the emulator and start again. Press the pause button to pause the game and then press it again and the debug menu will apear. That means hat the button for coins is used as a pause button. Metal Slug 3 Mame Rom Plus Special Training.Metal Slug 3 Mame Rom Download Play Guide.The Charlson comorbidity index was first developed by Charlson et al. in 1987 to predict one-year mortality for patients who may have a range of comorbid conditions. Each condition is assigned a score depending on the risk of dying associated with each one, and consequently scores are summed to provide a total score to predict mortality. The Charlson comorbidity index includes the following comorbid conditions: acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid disease, peptic ulcer disease, mild and moderate/severe liver disease, diabetes mellitus with and without complications, hemiplegia/paraplegia, renal disease, cancer (any malignancy) and metastatic solid tumour, AIDS/HIV. Many variations of the Charlson comorbidity index have been presented, as outlined by Sharabiani et al.

version of the Charlson score for both ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 coding systems, as outlined in their paper from 2005 in the next subsections, we present the different ICD codes utilised by comorbidity.

Categorisation of scores and weighted scores are based on work by Menendez et al.

There is a difference between codes reported above for peripheral vascular disease and the paper by Quan et al. The ICD-10 codes used by comorbidity to compute the Charlson comorbidity index are: the code 47.1 reported in the paper is replaced by 447.1, as it is likely a typo.