4plebs archives 4chan board /pol/ - Politically Incorrect. post header'). A hidden city full of thousands upon thousands of death traps, riddles, curses and strange. prevent weird wrapping around expanded images $('a.thread_image_link').each(function() ').appendTo("head") A MAN used search engines to find indecent photographs of children using the key words jailbait and very young girls. $("body").append('Image Size: Native | Fill | Fit')

#Cutforbieber: a Twitter hashtag that encouraged young Beliebers to cut themselves to demonstrate their love for the performer.Fake bomb threats: a vast number of hoaxers have posted mass bomb and shooting threats to 4chan, prompting several arrests and evacuations.chick got exposed on reddit AnonIB Archive. 4chan has successfully gotten a swastika to trend on Google. We still see 4chan threads saying DoesHeres what you need to know about Anon-IB: 1. Google- and poll-bombing: voting or searching for the same terms en masse, to either sabotage an online vote or make a topic trend artificially. if the Hidden Service Descriptor is available, and something is responding behind it the service is.The cyberbullying of Jessi Slaughter: one of the earliest high-profile incidents of cyberbullying, in which 4chan members sent death threats and calls to an 11-year-old girl who would later make multiple suicide attempts.Gamergate has since wrecked the lives of several female gamers and commentators and spawned a larger discussion about the way that industry treats women.

Gamergate: an ongoing movement to expose “corruption” in video game journalism, which was (purportedly!) drummed up by 4chan users.Celebgate: the leak of dozens of stolen celebrity nude photos, which - while no longer available on 4chan - still exist as downloadable torrents across the Web.